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संहिता , संस्कृत एवं सिद्धांत विभाग कौमारभृत्य (बालरोग) विभाग काय चिकित्सा विभाग शल्य तंत्र विभाग शालाक्य तंत्र विभाग पंचकर्म विभाग क्रिया शारीर विभाग रचना शारीर विभाग द्रव्यगुण विभाग रोग निदान विभाग रसशास्त्र एवं भैषज्य कल्पना विभाग अगद तंत्र विभाग स्वस्थवृत्त एवं योग विभाग प्रसूति तंत्र एवं स्त्री रोग विभाग
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स्वस्थवृत्त एवं योग विभाग

प्रोफेसर - 1. ---रिक्त---
रीडर - 1. डॉ. विकास चंद्र गुप्ता
लेक्चरर - 1. डा० सुदीप कुमार लाल
2. ---रिक्त--
Description :

Dr. Vikas Chandra Gupta,Reader

Dr. Sudeep Lal, Lecturer

Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga in Swami Kalyan Dev State Ayurved ic College is continuously work ing for the fulfillment of the Aims of Ayurveda i.e.
स्वस्थ्यस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं , आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च !
For this it is involved in various activities in the college as well as in the hospital. In the college the teachers in the Swasthavritta department work with all their hearts to provide the knowledge to the students as per the recommended syllabus. The students are regularly taken to educational tours to different places and they are also given yoga sessions as per the CCIM syllabus. At the OPD level the patients are given knowledge of yoga to maintain their health and to treat their diseases . They are also recommended to follow the rules of swasthavritta in the form of diet that they should take and the discipline they should follow to cure themselves . Special yoga sessions are also organised at the community level in schools and villages from time to time. On the occasion of International Yoga Day special events for the celebration are organised in the campus on a grand level since June 21st 2014.